Election Blip

I tend to avoid election night coverage, figuring I've done my part by voting, and watching reporters and pundits chew on the same gristly bits over and over, frequently with low percentages having reported in is both a waste of time and simply irritating. The landscape to come will be laid out tomorrow -- barring any ultra-close races that will have to be closely counted.

That perhaps Pennsylvania's biggest embarrassment - Rick Santorum - was finally ousted is a great note for me to take off into the night. A seemingly calm and gracious Ranting Rick gave his concession speech earlier this evening. That Joe Sestak is currently running well ahead of incumbent Curt Weldon is also heartening, but much could change as the remaining results roll in, so I'll try to keep from counting chickens.

I have to note that when we went to vote, around 2:30 this afternoon, we were very disappointed not only by the absence of any strong turnout at the moment, but as they were noting how which numbered voters we were we heard that we hadn't cracked the 300 mark yet! I'm hoping people were aiming to vote after work.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, we'll all see tomorrow...


SuperWife said…
Yes we have. And while all isn't said and done at this point (though nearly so), it's not looking so bad in the wee hours. In fact, it's looking pretty darned good! Makes me want to say "Yeah, America!"...and wonder which investigations start first...
Mike Norton said…
Seeing where the remaining seats fall (VA and MT still awaiting Senate decisions and 13 House seats going down to tiny margins) will tell part of the tale, though even if both Senate seats were to go to the Democrats there are flies in the ointment.

The biggest of the flies is Benedict Lieberman, who would then be a position of great power as the "independent" vote deciding the balance.

Aside from that, many of the Democrats who won spots are self-described conservative to moderate Democrats, and they'll have to be weeded through one by one to see what's actually meant by that. Having read pseudo-Dem Ford's stances months ago I wasn't terribly shaken by his failure to win in Tennessee, though the practical matter of a Senate with a Democratic Speaker, too, would have had its advantages.

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