
A happy birthday - nearly belated - to D, who's finally caught up with those of us who hit the 45 mark earlier this year.

Too much work to clear out some projects, mixed with a week that started with electrical problems in two vehicles, along with some sundry items kept me from going to Monday night's marquee and have left me drained and dizzy.

However, as of getting out of work most of an hour ago I am off until next Monday. Five days.

Since we had our Thanksgiving dinner with my in-laws on Sunday (they'll be out of town by Thursday, down near the Grand Ol' Opry -- not someplace on my dream list of places to go) we'll he having a quiet Thanksgiving here at home. I have almost all of the shopping done for that -- rolls, which will need to be bought closer to mealtime, are all that remains to bought.

Tomorrow night I'll be playing at a Supernova marquee, so I can get a Space map (well, I have the one that was on the back of the set poster in the case, but I want at least two) and the Thor, Frog of Thunder bystander token that's a participation "prize." After that, it'll be home again, home again, jiggety jog, to take care of most of the meal prep for Thursday. Stuffing, mashed potatoes, and the start of the slow-roast of the bird itself. I want to have Thursday see nothing more intensive than carefully reheating some of the items and going back for seconds and thirds.

Deciding on build sizes and then building some Heroclix teams for a December 2nd get-together -- this time potentially with five of us playing -- is also something I'll be playing with over this break. I left a copy of the Marvel Powers and Abilities card with the newest prospective player who's the studious sort. That should help considerably at bringing him up to speed on what he's looking at on each dial. He has no comics background, though, beyond what someone in the mainstream does, and so presents a little bit of a challenge to me in terms of determining what sort of team he'd like to play.

Crypt Leak, having played Defenders teams the previous two games, wants to play a villains team this time, and definitely something with a different TA than the Defenders. I might post some or all of the prospective teams along the way as part of the thinking-through process. I definitely want to work pieces from Supernova onto some of the teams.

Some chores to do here tonight -- mainly going through the refrigerator to clear out items we should have gotten rid of already, and so to make space for all the items that'll be made up tomorrow and put in the refrigerator overnight -- before I settle in.

So... off with me!

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Doc Nebula said…
Thanks for the birthday wishes, although the early card and gift made them unnecessary. Still, I'm grateful.

When did you turn 45? I think I remember your birthday is in March, but I can't recall the day...
Mike Norton said…
The day of terror here in the U.S.: April 15.

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