Supernova: The (Almost) Collectible Case!

It's my day of plastic gluttony for this set. The brick I'd thought I'd have this morning was delayed, as mentioned in the previous entry, but the case finally arrived in the driving rain a bit after 7pm.

Some oddness, as you'll see, but I'm very happy with the results.

I'm out on my feet, finally eating dinner while typing this (yeah, that explains the condition of this keyboard), so pardon any lack of finesse beyond my usual lack. Tonight I'll try to get more than 3 1/2 hours of sleep.

Using a list format that's handy.

001 - R Kree Warrior 3
002 - E Kree Captain 3
003 - V Kree Colonel 2
004 - R Skrull Infiltrator 3
005 - E Skrull Warrior 3
006 - V Skrull General 2
007 - R Shi'ar Warrior 2
008 - E Shi'ar Borderer 3
009 - V Shi'ar Admiral 2
010 - R Badoon Warrior 3
011 - E Badoon Guard 3
012 - V Badoon Commander 2
013 - R Night Thrasher 3
014 - E Night Thrasher 3
015 - V Night Thrasher 2
016 - R Jubilee 3
017 - E Jubilee 3
018 - V Jubilee 2
019 - R Super Apes: Igor 3
020 - E Super Apes: Mikhlo 3
021 - V Super Apes: Peoter 2
022 - R Raza 3
023 - E Raza 3
024 - V Raza 2
025 - R Sunspot 3
026 - E Sunspot 3
027 - V Sunspot 2
028 - R Marvel Boy 3
029 - E Justice 3
030 - V Justice 2
031 - R Tessa 3
032 - E Sage 3
033 - V Sage 2
034 - R Nocturne 3
035 - E Nocturne 3
036 - V Nocturne 2

037 - R Nova 3
038 - E Kid Nova 2
039 - V Nova 1
040 - R Bulldozer 3
041 - E Bulldozer 2
042 - V Bulldozer 1
043 - R Aleta 3
044 - E Aleta 2
045 - V Starhawk 1
046 - R Kang 3
047 - E Kang 2
048 - V Kang the Conqueror 1
049 - R Ant-Man 3
050 - E Ant-Man 2
051 - V Ant-Man 1
052 - R Weapon Alpha 3
053 - E Guardian 2
054 - V Vindicator 1
055 - R She-Hulk 3
056 - E She-Hulk 2
057 - V She-Hulk 1
058 - R Vance Astro 3
059 - E Vance Astro 2
060 - V Major Victory 1

061 - R Vision 2
062 - E Vision 1
063 - V Vision 1
064 - R Drax the Destroyer 2
065 - E Drax the Destroyer 1
066 - V Drax 1
067 - R Mantis 2
068 - E Mantis 1
069 - V Mantis 1
070 - R Doctor Spectrum 2
071 - E Doctor Spectrum 0
072 - V Doctor Spectrum 1
073 - R Hyperion 2
074 - E Hyperion 1
075 - V Hyperion 1
076 - R Silver Surfer 2
077 - E Silver Surfer 1
078 - V Silver Surfer 1
079 - R Legacy 2
080 - E Captain Marvel 1
081 - V Photon 1
082 - R Thor 2
083 - E Thor 1
084 - V Thor 1

085 - U Majestrix Liliandra 1
086 - U Red Ghost 1
087 - U Machine Man 1
088 - U Karnak 1
089 - U Power Princess 1
090 - U Jack of Hearts 1
091 - U Super Skrull 1
092 - U Korvac 1
093 - U Captain Mar-Vell 2
094 - U Binary 2
095 - U Graviton 2
096 - U Thanos 2

B001 - Rick Jones 2
B002 - Space Phantom 3
B003 - Jane Foster 3
B004 - Pug Pugliese 2
B005 - Shalla-Bal 2
B006 - Forbush Man 2

Damage Control 2
Alpha Strike 3
Extraordinary Day 3
Loyalty 2
Poor Teamwork 2

Squadron Supreme 2
Sneak 2
Toxic Burst 2
Sunder 2
Tactics 3
Whirlwind 2
Mental Shields 3

Meteorite 2
Satellite 3

I have to note that the veteran Ant Man came without a dial disk stuck in the base, so I'll need to send that in for replacement. I want to check the dials otherwise first, to see if I missed some other, less obvious mistakes.

So, it's a nicely proportioned case. Where it varied from what I'd come to expect from the previous two sets is due in one spot to an error and one to something unusual.

The error is the experienced Dr. Spectrum. I did get another Dr. Spectrum sculpt but it was paired up with an experienced Vance Astro base. Had it been the other way around I could have sent the base in and gotten the right figure, but I'm nearly positive they won't exchange it for a different base. Fair enough. It's irrelevant to me anyway since that's one of the figures I pulled from the six loose boosters I'd already bought.

The other odd variation is with the rookie Shi'ar Warrior, where I only pulled two. If you look at the pattern among the commons you'll see it's otherwise always 3R, 3E and 2V for the commons. So, what happened?

Why, a zombie Wolverine happened.

222 - LE Wolverine 1

The zombies appear in the commons slot, seemingly almost always in the same booster as a unique. Mine arrived with Thanos.

I'll make the decision this weekend, but what I told myself going into this was that if I pulled a Colonel America or a zombie Hulk I'd likely keep it, but a Wolverine or a Spidey I'd sell off. I expect that the general zombie prices on eBay are already plummeting, though, as so many cases are being opened and people are racing after riches. I'm too sleepy at the moment to be able to make a good decision on that.

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SuperWife said…
Congrats on the pulls! The zombie was quite a lucky stroke, indeed! Hope your brick is as good for you!
Doc Nebula said…
ah ha ha! Zombie Logan! He's the smartest Wolverine ever! Ah ha ha!

I got four more boosters last night. Got excited when I saw a Thor sculpt, but it was on a Vision stand. Grrrr. But the booster that I let SuperAdorable Kid open yielded up a Red Ghost, and Super Dependable Teen found a Korvac in the booster she opened for me, so that was a good bit of the all right. Also got both Rookie and Vet Novas, and a rookie Legacy. And another Vet Sage. And two Experienced Sunspots. And an Experienced Nocture. What, are you kidding me? We got us a family here!

Super Drama Teen actually asked if I wanted to play clix tonight. That's always subject to change without notice, but assuming I get to, I may just throw the Korvac, Vet Nova, Vet Photon, and rookie Drax out on the board to see how they do... kind of a 'Cosmic Headbanger' team, or something. I set a 600 point limit, I'll have to check that thread you linked to before to make sure I can bring that in for the points. Pretty sure I can... Nova is in the 80s, Photon is like 130 something, Drax is somewhere in that range, Korvac is, I think, 212... should leave me a few points for Feat Cards. She'll most likely play some kind of X-Men team, so I should have a shot.

Anyway... yeah, good case.
Doc Nebula said…
Oooh, oooh, Mr. Kotter! How could I forget? I also got a rookie and experienced Ant-Man! Yay! I'm tempted to run the rookie Ant-Man and Yellowjacket with my home grown POLY MORPH feat... but probably won't, because that YJ is a poor fit for Giant-Man, at least, on his first click, with Running Shot. When would Giant Man ever have Running Shot? Nah, I think I'll go with the Cosmic Crew.
Mike Norton said…
SG: Thanks! Mike T. managed to pick up my brick last night so I got that this morning. Too little time to report on it this morning, but that generally went well, though not as spectacularly.

H: At last peek Wizkids finally updated the Supernova gallery, so checking on costs, confirming dials, etc. should be easier.

The Thor sculpt/Vision base deal's a pain, isn't it? I'm fairly sure that if you send it in they'll cue from the base, not the sculpt and you'll get a complete Vision in return.

Red Ghost, Korvac and the Novas are all fine additions, I agree. I've hardly had a chance to go through the dials, so I'm still largely in the dark. Playing the tallyman last night, seeing what I pulled by the number, was just about all I was good for. My limited experience with playing pieces with the Power Cosmic TA has me expecting it'll make playing Korvac (and Thanos, Vet Surfer and the brick's Doom, when that shows up) liberating.

Functionally I'm in the same boat as you with respect to the Ant Man pieces, as my vet will need to be sent in for a replacement. The question of who to swap with in the Polymorph is unfortunately reminding me of some chatter I've caught today as people are looking over the LE dials. There's something... interesting in the Hank Pym dial -- two clicks of late-dial Earthbound -- that suggest that the LE is either a flyer or a giant. He also has two clicks of Support and two of Enhance, and is an Avenger for 59 points.

I truly detest prize-only LEs. Envoys, judges, cutthroat players and those with plenty of extra cash will mainly be the ones who have the good ones.
Doc Nebula said…
I'd looked at the Hank Pym LE dial, but non-analytically. The Earthbound is interesting... but the other powers are interesting too. I'm wondering if maybe he's meant to be a Dr. Pym fig. In which case, the Ant-Man sculpt will be completely nuts...

I guess the Energy Explosion could simulate Hank siccing his bugs on a bunch of people at range, but what he really needs to simulate that is some kind of Incapacitate that works on an entire group. If the EE were instead Super Strength, that combined with the Combat Reflexes on those slots would be persuasive that this is him in giant form.

The final two clicks of Barrier straight up baffle me... again, I'm thinking Dr. Pym, with his pockets of shrunk down goodies. That would go with the Enhancement, too. But unless they've come up with a radically different sculpt for the LE, well, it's a weird fit. But then, that's appropriate to how WK has always treated Hank, anyway.
Doc Nebula said…
BTW -- Feat Cards for the Cosmic Crew will be as follows:

Korvac - AutoRegenerate, Passenger
Nova - Unstoppable, Armor Piercing
Drax - Unstoppable
Photon - Thunderbolts (Skrulls)

This leaves me with 14 points left over still to play with.

Maybe a Shellhead on Korvac, or a Protected on Photon...
I like the Passenger on Korvac, as it gives me a way to push him from one slot to another that the Power Cosmic TA otherwise takes away. The Skrulls TA for Photon will be a help, especially since Skrulls/Shape Change also has an offensive component under my house rules; it's not strictly defensive.

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