On a Saturday...

Small things happening or expected to happen near and farther away.

Legends #121 arrived in the mail, almost perfectly timed and matched to my mood for me to dig into it and get the bulk of my next zine done. In the mix is a fun, April Fools'-themed project Grant Schreiber's brought back this year, where he chooses comics the world forgot - comics he picked up along the way on the cheap, which he thought little of - which are randomly mailed out with the issue for us to rework in any way we wish.

FedEx is scheduled to bring me the past three weeks' comics, though the package has dropped off their online tracking software following a departure from a Chicago hub at 8:51 yesterday morning.

Several hundred miles South of here two people are suffering the consequences of letting the kids select the movie. Hopefully for them it'll have more going for it than I expect.

Definitely geek activities planned for part of today, as

- I've picked up 200 comics bags and am going to finally organize and bag months of comics that have been building up in stacks on the computer desk and in a corner of the bedroom. Since I bag them back to back, two consecutive comics in a single bag, I should have enough bags to take care of this overflow.

- I'll start constructing (Marvel) Civil War-themed teams for a tournament I've signed up for next Wednesday. One pro-registration team with Iron Man in the mix, and one anti-registration team with Captain America in it. Power would seem to favor the former, but my sympathies are with the latter. I'll decide which one I'll play later.

Somewhere in PA a young man in an orange jacket is meeting a young woman with recently-dyed red hair in a Barnes & Noble for some coffee. The poor guy doesn't know the mess he's stepping into.

And, a week from now, unless she can talk her way out of it, a different young woman will be following through on an alcohol-soaked promise to jump into the Atlantic Ocean.

For now, though, we've just had some food delivered and I'm going to get to my spinach calzone.


SuperWife said…
Thanks for the plug! The movie wasn't as horrific as it could have been. The opening sequences, while quite obviously emotionally manipulative, were very well done. The gore could have been far worse, so I was grateful there. And at least they didn't pick EPIC MOVIE...;)

All in all, we had a pretty good time. We don't often get the opportunity, given the age differences of the kids, to see something like that as a family.

Hope things in your world are going well and that you're feeling much better...if not already, then very soon!

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