This year's new starter set for Heroclix was announced yesterday. (Updated)

These starter sets are a way of providing a themed introduction to the game, while simultaneously bringing new clix, a new full-sized map and the now annually-revised rule book to those who are already into the game.
DC HeroClix Legion of Super-Heroes Starter Game Announced!

This Summer, WizKids takes DC HeroClix into the distant future with the DC HeroClix: Legion of Super-Heroes Starter Game!

The DC HeroClix: Legion of Super-Heroes Starter Game features:
· 7 all-new sculpts
· 2 exclusive new 3D objects
· 3'x3' full-color, 2-sided HeroClix map
· The most up-to-date HeroClix rulebook and PAC card
· 1 Feat card, 1 Battlefield Condition and terrain and object tokens
· 1 HeroClix base turning ring and 2 dice

The Legion of Super-Heroes is set in the 30th Century where a young Superman has been thrust forward in time and agrees to join a young team of adventurers in a universe that faces threats of unimaginable proportion!

The DC HeroClix: Legion of Super-Heroes Starter Game is featured in a windowed display box and is playable right out of the box. Combined with previous HeroClix releases such as DC HeroClix: Origin and DC HeroClix: Giants you can recreate some of the Legion¹s most spectacular adventures!

And don¹t forget, 2007 is the 5th Anniversary of HeroClix. Expect ANYTHING!

The DC HeroClix: Legion of Super-Heroes Starter Game is slated for release in June 2007.
I'm presuming that old school Legion fans are going to be particularly excited about the "...a young Superman has been thrust forward in time..." as it at least suggests a Silver Age Superboy context, but one can seldom tell how informed these press releases are. Also, I can't say to what degree this does or doesn't tie into DC's current Legion series, which is fairly sad, I suppose, considering that I read the first two trades. I know they loosely based their ideals on the 20th/21st century superheroes, but there may have been more developments aside from Supergirl showing up.

Seven new figures, a couple more 3D objects, another couple of cards and especially a new, full-size, two-sided map are all items I'm looking forward to. With Wizard World East happening in the middle of June I'm wondering if they'll be on sale there. If I do happen to get a Fin Fang Foom this new set would be a good choice to be bought along with it. Not anything themed, of course, but to get me over the line

This follows their adspeak press release from earlier this week, where they spent some time telling us not much of anything aside from how terrific they are.


Doc Nebula said…
Yeah, I saw that today, too. Something else to look forward to this summer. I guess this will give WK a pass from putting any new Legionnaires in ORIGIN.

What I worry about is that they're just going to reissue the Legionnaires we've already seen, and give us no new members. That would be fine for tournament players who have to deal with retirement issues, but I want new Legionnaires, dammit!

I imagine it will end up being a mix, heavily weighted towards redoing previous figures, with maybe one or two new, never-seen-before figs, as well.

As you say, the rest of the stuff in the set -- new map, new 3D objects, Feat Cards, etc -- that's all good. I'd very much like to see an Alternate TA for the Legion, but I don't really need one, since I'm just gonna create my own eventually, anyway.

Of course, I've just been advised by the one intermittent clix player I still had that he's no longer all that interested in playing the game with me, even on the rare occasions we manage to get together. Sooooo... it's looking like I'll just be collecting the little figs for the sake of collecting the little figs, from this point on.

I guess there's nothing wrong with that, but, honestly, I've never been somebody who collected collectibles simply for aesthetic purposes. If I'm not going to be able to play even the occasional game of clix anymore, I should probably start thinking about having a damn big Ebay auction. These things take up too much space, and there's too much capital tied up in them that we could really REALLY use elsewhere, for me to keep them around just to look at occasionally.
Mike Norton said…
We know we're getting Triplicate Girl, M'onel and Supergirl in Origin (along with era-appropriate villain Mano), and the ad mentions the Giants set for Colossal Boy and Validus. Collateral Damage is still fairly current, and that gave us Shadow Lass/Umbra. Everyone else is from Legacy, Cosmic Justice and Unleashed, and Legacy is expected to be retired later this year. I'm still not sure quite what to expect in this 7-figure set.

Since it's being sold as a game I'd presume it's going to have heroes and villains, unless it's being pitched as a Danger Room type training scenario. Chances are, as you suspect, most of the pieces will be remakes. Still, it occurs to me that since Origin will have Mano, the Giants contained Validus and Collateral Damage had Emerald Empress, this set could have a remake of the Persuader and a first-time Tharok and the Legion would have a Fatal Five to combat.

With it not being due until sometime in June, though, I'm not holding my breath waiting for details.

Sorry to see that even the one occasional player has lost interest in playing the game.

I know what you mean about justifying the cost of and storage space for clix if one's getting to play seldom to never. Since I do have venues to go to (though I only rarely go) and at least this past year got to play with friends several times in big weekend games, I'm more likely to continue with it unless finances become a bigger issue.

Even so, aside from sculpts as part of a collection of characters there are a great many pieces in the collection that any sane examination of tells me I will never play due to terrible dials. The only Puppet Master I'd bother fielding is the rough mod I made by swapping his sculpt onto an extra vet Karma base, for instance. While it's not in my nature to just get rid of things (too much a packrat) I'm not likely to find any buyers for the bulk of the common pieces, anyway, and the time needed to line up the sales would likely be far more than it would be worth.

So, packing away those pieces I'm never likely to use would be a good move for me. The space these are taking up keeping all of them accessible is approaching the obscene.
Anonymous said…
As far as character selection, do you think the currently-running cartoon will have more of an influence than current or older comic book based storylines?
Mike Norton said…
That's an excellent question. I'm not sure that either the comic or the cartoon is doing exceptionally well for DC, despite early success, but I haven't kept up on it sales/ratings.

The sculpts we've seen to date have been based on comics versions, so I'm expecting that to continue, so the comics are winning out visually.

I read the first three trades of the current Legion series -- up into when Supergirl appears and the universe seems to be bending to her expectations -- but I haven't a clue how the cartoons have been handled.

Anything more is speculation, though. We haven't seen box artwork, let alone the sculpts. I hope it's drawing on the comics in the same way that I'd not want Teen Titans clix to end up being based on the cartoons.
Mike Norton said…

As I mentioned, I don't watch the cartoon (as with the Titans cartoon, I have a difficult time with the visual style), but I've seen it mentioned that based on the cartoon's roster it might be:

Brainiac 5
Lightning Lad
Saturn Girl
Phantom Girl
Timber Wolf
Bouncing Boy

...and we already know that Phantom Girl and Timber Wolf are in the mix.

I'm still expecting a couple villains in the mix, presumably Tharok as one of them, but we'll see.

Also, as many have mentioned, an alternate team ability Feat card for the Legion is needed.

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