Into the over-color-stuffed weekend...

The work week kept me running and worn down, in part keeping me from posting anything here. I've had at least one of the worst nights of sleep of my life this week, and the rest haven't been much better.

This morning I'm off to Wizard World East. An 8+ lb box of comics is due from Westfield tomorrow, and Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer debuts this weekend. While the trailers got the little kid in me excited, I'm not going to get my hopes up. The film's a bare 89 minutes long and has oh-so-many places to go awry.

The latest issue of Legends (#123) arrived Friday, too, and as I made such a poor showing in it (a bare 7 pages of zine, one of them an ill-executed, last minute cover and most of the rest mailing comments) I numbered that zine 99.5, as it was in no way a proper 100th zine.

The convention will be taking most of the attention at least Friday and Saturday -- I haven't decided about Sunday yet.

And... I have to get going.

I'll try to check in tonight.


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