Turn, Turn, Turn

Another weekend zipping, slipping away.

Yesterday I kept odd hours and didn't sleep much, but managed to knock out some things that needed to be done. Two days earlier I'd embarrassed myself by finding an envelope I'd thought I'd sent out long before. Fortunately it wasn't a bill, but still... It wasn't quite what I'd originally had in mind, and lacks even a shred of individuality, but something (even late) is better than nothing. Either it didn't arrive by Saturday or it was received worse than I'd expected -- almost without a doubt the former.

A week from today Wizard World East will have fun its course. I'm trying to get my ducks in a row for it, because the work week could easily swallow me up and spit me out, and before I know it it'll be Thursday night and I'll be ready to drop.

The daily programming for it has been posted -- there may be last minute changes, but what's up on the site now is what will be printed in the convention booklet, so it's as good as advance info will get. A quick look has me seeing that most (possibly all) of the Marvel panels would be wastes of time for me. The main temptation would be to go to some to heckle Bendis or Quesada, but why waste my time?

Once I look over the pages in detail I'll be revising the info I'd done previously and coming up with more of a game plan. It does look as if I may be doing much more in the Heroclix vein this year.

Hopefully the finishes on Crypt Leak and Abbygal's new privacy fencing went up without a problem.

Tonight we have the final episode of The Sopranos. While I haven't been rushing the weekend along, and I'm not anxious to see it finished, I am very interesting in seeing how it pans out. Odds are Tony will be whacked -- my impression is that they're looking to close the book firmly on the series -- and around here we're still wondering if there's going to be some last minute treachery unveiled. The address switcheroo for the hit on Phil (that resulted in two innocents being killed) is still a big "Wha--?!" that just seemed to pass waaaay to quickly and smoothly without character comment.

By a little past 10 tonight the tale will have been told.

Time to finish prepping dinner.


Doc Nebula said…

After waiting for the mailman all day today, I'd pretty much given up -- we usually get mail by 1:05 at the latest, and by 4:30, a stack of outgoing stuff still hadn't been picked up. However, when I went to check again, expecting nothing, shortly after T got home at 6, I discovered that apparently he'd snuck in just before the 5 pm deadline, the twisted fuck.

Anyway, we got your very welcome card, and are very appreciative of it, and will be sending you out a snailmail thank you ASAP. You'll probably enjoy the thank you note when you get it. ;)

Thanks again.
Mike Norton said…
Ah, good. It was a fairly impersonal item, all the moreso coming so very late, but it was better sent than not.

I've been miserably pinned down with work items today, leaving me no time for email, blogging nor even getting to look at Toro until well into this afternoon.

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