Second Opinion? Okay, you're ugly, too.

In a surprise move, they've added the Ultimates version of Iron Man to the Avengers Gallery.

As I've often remarked, the pieces always look better in person, but I'm finding it difficult to believe that this one will look good. It's a design issue. It's been decades since I was willing to go near flair-/bell-bottom pants and puffy sleeves, and it's not a style that's coming back soon -- at least not for me.

Here's the pic they've provided, along with the dial.

For 154 points it's a dynamic piece with the generally useful Ultimates TA, fairly good stats, damage reducers, some late-dial Outwit and a last-ditch click of Regeneration. The sting of a single target and Energy Explosion is partially allayed by the 10 range.

The shift from front-dial ranged-striker for three clicks to mid-dial, super strong charging piece is potentially fun. By his final two clicks he's lost the ability to fly (Earthbound -- which helps pull his cost down) and is forced to become wily, showing Outwit. On his final click he gets Regeneration, providing the possibility that he might bounce back to his fourth click - the first of the super-strong Charge clicks.

The special power he has on his second, third and fourth clicks is called Full Power, and I'm finding it difficult to believe I'm ever likely to use it instead of just using the 3 Damage that's showing. What it allows you to do is take a chance at rolling anywhere from 1 to 6, and no matter what one rolls he'll take 2 clicks of damage for it that will cut through his own damage reducers. I suppose if one has a probability controller or two in position or is feeling lucky and/or is in a desperate spot it might be a risk to take... but I'm not likely to do it. Take a 50% chance that one will deal the same or less Damage than he would normally, and take two clicks of damage no matter what happens? Are you off your meds?

So, here we have a Special Power that few are likely to use, yet which doesn't appear to have bloated the cost of the piece strongly.

For completeness and possible clarifications, here's the card:
This is the ersatz Iron Man of the Ultimates universe, and means little to nothing to me in that capacity. I may use this version, but along with being unlikely to use Full Power I can almost guarantee I'll put an Armor Wars Iron Man sculpt on it.

As piece #2 in the set, this is a common, same as Shang Chi, and the blue background behind the image of the sculpt marks it as an experienced version. The latter's not such a matter of import, but the former is. A 154 pt common piece marks another change in the set structure dynamic, and does feed into Heroclix' fifth anniversary slogan: "Expect Anything!"

Just for the Hell of it, here's how the first attempt at this character from back in the Ultimates set compares with the new version:
Aside from the second target and maybe the Pulse Wave - and ignoring the special power completely - the new version strikes me as an improvement. A little lighter on the Damage towards the front, but only slightly so.


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