A few birthdays, death days, events, etc. for the day.
Moe Howard would have been 112 today. Go get a bowl haircut, find a couple lame-brains and give them a slap. It's also Paula Abdul's birthday. Good Lord, I'm most of a year older than her. Where are my pills..?
Posing a significant problem in mathematics (or baking, I suppose) would be 386 candles on the cake of Blaise Pascal today, too, though considering how sickly he was for his 39 years he'd be in quite a state by now anyway. Meanwhile, Louis Jordan - who I can't help but think of first as the campy film version of Swamp Thing's Anton Arcane - turns 90 somewhere in the South of France. Also, it's merely birthday #55 for Kathleen Turner.
All the clapping in the world isn't likely to raise J.M. Barrie from the dead, though, gone now some 72 years -- truly one of the Lost Boys.
Not only did I not know that comedic performer Ed Wynn died 43 years ago, but I also didn't know that W.C. Fields once knocked him unconscious with a pool cue when he caught him mugging to Fields' audience, nor that both he and Fields turned down the title role in The Wizard of Oz.
If you're in one of 31 U.S. states, happy Juneteenth! (The date of enforcement of the abolition of slavery back in 1865 -- two years and roughly nine months after the Emancipation Proclamation, it took a yankee general and 2000 federal troops to finally do it.) Alternately, one can also choose to rue the day, since 31 years ago today Garfield debuted. To help soften that a little, I'd recommend a trip through Garfield Minus Garfield.
Fifty six years ago Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed at Sing Sing.
Finally, one hundred sixty three years ago (1846), the first recognizable baseball game was played in Hoboken, New Jersey.