The Celebri-Death Express Goes Kaboom

This past week we saw Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson all die, and today we find that pitchman Billy Mays - who was 50, the same as Wacko Jacko - was found dead at home in Tampa. So, aside from proximity of obituaries, Billy and Michael are both in the "untimely death" category, while Billy and Ed both shared the gift to shill. I'll leave it to someone else to see a good linkage between Billy and Farrah. However, if there's a swimsuit poster of Billy out there, don't feel a need to share the image with me. Well, come to think of it, Farrah was only 62 and so would fall into that same "untimely death" category were it not for the fact that we knew about the cancer.

I realize it's all a matter of media currency, but Mays is really the only one of the four I'm likely to miss. Age and health issues had relegated McMahon and Fawcett to the nostalgia & Sad, But True celebrity remembrance piles long ago, while Jackson, I'm sure, often wished he could have been that lucky. Instead the King of Pop is likely to, in time, blur in the cultural memory with another one-gloved apparition of horror and childhood fear: Freddie Kruger.

Okay, that's all I really have to say on that. I just wanted to make the note while it's fresh.


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