Case Madness!

(This is a Heroclix post, pure and simple. Nothing of any socio-political value to be found herein.)

As scheduled, my case of Unleashed was waiting for me when I came home. I took my time opening it, having taken some pains to avoid studying the online pics and stats so as to keep as much of it as possible fresh.

I pulled a Bat Sentry (a special, double-sized unique, one of which should be in every case of this set) and 8 other uniques, so all was right with the tally.

The uniques (clix with silver rings on the base) I pulled were, in order:
Bat Sentry, Silver Swan, Shazam!, Wonder Woman, Kilowog, Mr. Bones, Nu'Bia, Ultra Humanite, and Superman.

I'm pleased with the pulls. Would I have preferred to, instead of the Mr. Bones (which is an extra, as I pulled both him and Batman from earlier boosters) and either Silver Swan or Nu'Bia, have pulled a Magog and a Metallo? Well, sure, but this was a fairly successful case.

By the time all was tallied I saw that I'm only lacking three uniques -the above mentioned Magog and Metallo, along with The General - and the following, nine, rev (rookie, experienced, veteran) pieces:

V Batgirl, V Deadshot, R Dr. Fate, V Jesse Quick, E & V Kobra, V Queen Bee, R Raven, R Science Officer.

With the extras I've pulled, trading for the revs will be easy. Fellow clix fiend Grant S. confirmed that his case will likely arrive by early next week, and we've made a point of trading between us first. Chances are, between us we'll come up with complete sets of the base figures at least.

That, perhaps fortunately, is the height of excitement for me this evening. Now... it's time to take care of some chores.


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