The overnight email included a press/fan release from Tom Manning creator of the series Runoff. I wrote this review of the first three issues just over two years ago, which should help give you some insight into the series.
Now, from Tom:
"An update for all you fantastic Runoff heads-
Oddgod Press' newest book RUNOFF: CHAPTER ONE (Diamond order code FEB04 2550) debuts nationally tomorrow! If your retailer neglected to order enough to meet demand, tell him to order it STAT!
Also, Oddgod has started a Delphi forum for Runoff, along with an "Ask Tom"
section. I guess you could just as easily reply to this email of mine, but
please participate!
Finally, an update on actual NEW stuff. Runoff #6 is done, but it is
beginning to look like we're going to go for a big push and actually have
"Runoff: Chapter Two" be the next release. That would mean issues 5, 6, 7,
and 8 all at once. Sadly, that also means a wait longer than what I wanted
for a new issue. But I hope an ENTIRE CHAPTER would help settle regrets...
All my best,
I like Tom's work, but I had a few tastes of Delphi a few years ago and haven't been back, so I'll make no promises that I'll be showing up over there.
Also, for some reason any time I've tried to include a hyperlink to Tom's site ( something in this system keeps slapping a blogger prefix on it... so you'll need to copy and paste that bit into your browser if you're curious.