Mis-identified photos?

It's being reported that at least some of the photos recently circulated, showing flag-draped coffins purportedly containing the bodies of US military personnel killed in Iraq have actually been photos of the crew of the February 1, 2003 Columbia space shuttle disaster.

That some 361 photos were reportedly released by the Air Force, their hand forced open by the Freedom of Information Act, it's as yet unclear to me if the error (persuming it was an error -- though it's difficult to determine what difference it would make for the most part in showing one set of flag-draped coffins, but not another, would make) was made by the Air Force or if various news services, for some reason, have drawn on other sources.

While it was unavailable for long periods of time in the past day or so, The Memory Hole (where the Iraqi casualty photos are on display) appears to be back up. The news story is from today (April 23), but the Memory Hole's last update as of my visit was the 22nd, so it remains to be seen if any of the 361 shots are yet to be re-identified.


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