Tonight's Frontline: The Jesus Factor

Tonight's edition of PBS' Frontline will be focused on G.W. Bush's rebirth as a Christian, and the impact his faith and the doctrines he subscribes to have affected both his political career and political decisions.

Quick follow-up: I thought it was a balanced presentation, one capable of being thought well of by the Evangelical supporters of Bush, while still being something that became progressively creepy to watch, though it didn't impart much new information to me.

The core issues it raises are whether or not one believes that religion and government should be separate, and whether or not one thinks of law as deriving from the intellectual processes of mankind, or from God. The latter view on the subject of law, which Bush and Ashcroft, to name two, publicly subscribe to, raises my hackles. As soon as one bottom-lines an argument with a finger pointed to the sky and a knowing nod, we're all in danger.


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