Doc's Dilemma

Okay, so it's not technically a dilemma, but merely a tough choice. Alliteration simply wins out some of the time. Blame Stan Lee if you must.

Over at Industrial Strength Braino former resident, now guest-star, Doc Nebula posted on Wednesday that a film student has contacted him with the intent of filming a biopic for submission to a local film festival in 2005. It's all laid out there. If you've never been there before and are curious about the references to conflicts with Kurt Busiek, those questions would be best answered (if you have the time) by Doc's Funeral for a Friendship piece. (Which is one of the many pieces he has links to down the right hand side of the site.)

I've tossed in some comments on the opening pitch over there, and if you find you have something to add, do the same.


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