Tin Hats & Terror: Warm-up to the November Elections
Yes, it was inevitable that we'd get back to the terror warning color ladder dance, and on one level it's Ridge & the Homeland Security boys simply being responsible. I wouldn't have bothered noting it were it not for the "before the November elections" phrase being inserted. Again, on one level even that's just another piece of clarifying information. However, my expectation has been that it's just a matter of time before this is employed as another tactic to steer many unsuspecting voters to vote for the Bush administration as a twisted sign of solidarity and patriotism.
The angle will be the same one as the utterly bogus one employed by the Bushies with respect to the Spanish elections and the terrorist train bombings earlier this year. Completely disregarding facts and the actual chain of events, many reported the election results to oust their previous government - the one that went against popular Spanish opinion by backing the invasion of Iraq - as a capitulation to terrorist threats. In fact, it was simply a case of the Spanish voters having the guts and conviction to stick to their views and vote accordingly regardless of terrorist activity.
My expectation is that as November closes in we'll see similar misinformation tactics on the rise here in the US. It will likely be done in many, subtle ways, though probably in as many harsh and overblown ones. It will be stated overtly in some places and used as a "common sense" basis for other arguments elsewhere. The bottom line will be an attempt to encourage the US electorate to view anything but a vote for Bush/Cheney as a capitulation to terrorism. Implied in any other course of action will be not merely a rejection of the invasion and occupation of Iraq, but an attempt to dishonor the troops, living and dead. We're to place our hands over our hearts and stop thinking for ourselves, secure in the knowledge that any thoughts but supporting the Bush administration and its policies are being beamed into our heads by al Qaida operatives.
It's all nonsense, but it's going to be layered on, thick and thin, and they have all the money they need for the Big Lie strategy to at least work on the unwary, while reinforcing the beliefs of the already-duped.
It's important for people to prepare themselves.