The first of the scheduled captures?
  While it's not confirmed, there's a report that Abu Masab al-Zarqawi (the head of the group responsible for, among many things, some recent kidnappings and beheadings) has been captured in Western Iraq.

  As noted back on July 8th, strong reports were going around concerning what amounts to orders being placed for the capture of high profile terrorists before the November elections, especially during key periods such as during the Democratic National Convention.

  Update: Depending upon how one chooses to interpret the reports, it may have been Ahmed Khalfan Ghailan, not al-Zarqawi, another of the "most wanted" al Qaida figures, and the capture took place in Pakistan, not Western Iraq... and apparently it was accomplished a little ahead of the order the Bush administration placed. The report is that he may have been captured as early as this past Sunday, but, well, these things must be held until it's time for Kerry to make his acceptance speech.  Here's a reported confirmation via the AP, which at least treats the subject matter as confirmed statements... hopefully after confirming the statements... If it turns out that both of these were captured this week, and information on both released on the same day, it'll make me even more confident that this has been arranged as a propaganda move.


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