A little on a Sunday night...
Just checking in.
I heard from one of the Legends folk today with an email address update and notice that he has a site up (Mysterious Glow), so I added that to the Legends links down the left hand side of the page, then passed the update info around to the membership and reminded them that the August 7th deadline for issue #106 is coming up in a few weeks. Beyond that, today's been a mix of domestic chores and some time spent in at work, trying in vain to get a safe and secure handle one the double-bladed chainsaw that is my coming work week. In other words, my usual Sunday routine.
Up for consideration all weekend had been participating in one or more of the Heroclix marquee events running this weekend (go, buy three boosters of the new set, take 5 minutes to assemble a team of 300 pts or less, then play that team in three matches), but ultimately I decided to let it pass. I'd already taken advantage of participating in a pre-release marquee back on June 19th (which I'd mentioned in general pre-event weekend, here) and between that and the case I'd bought, I've spent more than enough on this set. In fact, I still have two more boosters on the way, bought at part of my Westfield order, which should be arriving Monday or Tuesday. Of course, I'm hoping one will contain the Hulk unique I'd wanted, and the other the Vindicator, and aside from that I'll find several of the 10 REVs I'm still missing, but, you know, I'll end up with lots of Princess Pythons and Anacondas instead. Once I've seen what I have in those final boosters, then I'll be ready to seek out some trades.
The pre-release marquee was fun, though, and I hope it was enough of a success for them that they'll be doing it again in late October/early November for Mutant Mayhem. Though I didn't win, I not only came close to doing very well overall (I ended up playing as if it were any fun game, though, and so needlessly jeopardized pieces by playing them more in character than for preserving my lead) but in my first match I managed only a very narrow loss to a seasoned player. I didn't realize it until afterwards why they were giving the other guy so much static about it, but it turned out he was a two time world champion event winner.
Many people pulled uniques out of their boosters - some more than one - and I pulled a Carnage, who worked out well for my team, though I would have preferred pulling someone with an Ultimates TA, especially a Thor (which no one there pulled) or Iron Man (which one did) with their potent attacks, Running Shot and Charge clicks (any power that allows someone to move & attack in the same action is highly prized) and their Ultimates TA, which allows them to strike at a distance at Stealthed (hidden) characters. By the end of the match a young kid (he was there with his father, who was a judge in another area and had come there to play) pulled a Phoenix out of his booster. He already had one from Wizard World East, and he dearly wanted Carnage, so I decided to trade with him and make him happy. I reasoned that I'd likely either pull a Carnage from my case or something else extra I could trade easily enough for it. Plainly having it would thrill him far more than it was me, though it had served me well enough in the games and the sculpt was good. As it turned out I'm glad I did, otherwise I would have found after opening my case that I had no Phoenix and, instead, had three Carnages. It was one of those times where I was happy that I'd gone with what seemed at the moment to be simply a kind impulse.
On other topics, there's so much I never get around to writing about here - many things I deliberately avoid, but others I simply never find the time for. I'll try to make a point to get around to at least writing something about movies I've gotten out to see in recent weeks, such as Fahrenheit 9/11 and I, Robot (both of which I enjoyed, btw) , but that won't be now.
As for now, I have another errand or two to run, then it's back home again.
Here's to a better than average week ahead for all of us, though, of course, I especially mean me.