Much to do today...

Aside from getting out in the sun and open air for a while - something I did very little of on Sunday - I have a few projects to work on at home. So long as I get seriously into at least one of them, I'll feel the fleeting day was reasonably well spent. A nap somewhere in the mix is fine, but falling into staring at television is verboten.

I set up a page of Heroclix wants and extras, so far focusing only on Fantastic Forces pieces as it's the obsession of the month. I've set up a permanent link to that list in my sidebar, over to the left. It's a little clumsy, but as I have that free Geocities space I thought I may as well use it. I may do more of that in order to allow me to post some larger pieces than I've been inclined to do in this blog format, where large pieces scroll the page. We'll see.

I've also set up a link there to my auctions. The early days for a new wave of auctions tend to be the quiet, frustrating ones - especially during a holiday weekend where people have other things to do. It's best for me to ignore them as best I can until late in the week; they won't be ending until after 10pm next Sunday anyway, and it's the state of them then that'll be important.


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