SCOTUS Fears to come

With a retirement annoucement from Rehnquist seen as an eventuality in the near future, Sandra Day O'Connor has announced her retirement. Again, a good catch-all for information will be the Supreme Court Nomination blog. The Deadly Joke of Pennsylvania Avenue is set to make a public statement on the matter any moment now, but I try to avoid listening to him at all, particularly indoors where spitting is to especially be avoided. I'll catch those "details" a little later.

I'm sure we're about to come in for wave after wave of GOP scam artists in mock indignation, decrying "partisan obstructionism" the likes of which the world has never seen as any nominations are handed down from the White House for what they seem to feel should be a rubber stamping. As Crypt Leak passed to me days ago, the GOP has not just been loading their guns in advance but even firing off some of them prematurely. Brace yourselves for a shitstorm of feigned disgust (though what you'll be feeling will be genuine) as the GOP machine kicks into high gear, spewing misdirections, irrelevancies and very likely lies -- repeating them over and over in tones that suggest any dissent is treasonous.


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