Saturday Status Snapshot

So far today, Nick and I :

Made it to the bank to deposit the paycheck. Wouldn't direct deposit be nice?

Hit the post office to send off a couple packages, including a clix trade, so D might see those as early as Monday. I know the other half of the deal will be on its way to me sometime Monday, which works well for me, too. I'll be too busy to do more with them until later in the week, so earlier would be almost pointless. I also picked up some Priority Mail shipping boxes so I'm ready for any of the domestic buyers who win auctions (running entirely too silently since some activity yesterday afternoon) Sunday night and shoot the payment to me before I head off to work on Monday.

We had an hour to kill before the movie, so Nick and I walked around the adjacent Plymouth Meeting Mall. There I checked on the recently renovated Comics and More location on the second floor, which included several, large gaming tables mostly laid out for Heroclix games. I found out they usually have plenty of players showing up on Sunday to play, and that their first official, Wizkids-supported event will be on Monday, August 1. While I was there I bought a Fantastic Forces booster (they had four left, but I restrained myself) on a whim. It contained a veteran Atlas and a rookie Rogue, which I already have... and a Baron Mordo (aka Mr. Eyebrows), one of the three uniques from the set I was still looking for. Huzzah! I'll get around to knocking that off my FF want list a little later today.., if I remember to.

I don't want to get bogged down in even a "safe" review for Fantastic Four, because if I do I'll get settled in at the keys and start doing various other things, and before I know it it'll be dark. Too much else to do today. Let it suffice to say I was pleasantly surprised and will be interested to see the reaction of viewers who are either open-minded comics fans and/or those who have little to no background knowledge on the comics characters. As someone for whom these characters (well, the ones they're based on) have been nearly lifelong fictional friends I couldn't help but come to them with histories and general emotional baggage which undoubtedly left me predisposed to like the characters in the film, and to respond to every nuance of their interactions.

It held together as a story, the characters were fairly well and consistently handled, it moved more quickly than I was afraid an origin-heavy film would, and all of that was really all I asked for going in. Comics fans for whom anything but the Lee & Kirby (of which I'm a great fan, but much of which wouldn't have worked here) version is to be spat upon, or DC fanatics intent on having nothing mentioned in the comics to film line this season in a positive light if it's not Batman Begins (another project I was happy with), may have a different view. I know I'll write a fuller, spoiler-filled review later as I'll want one as part of my August zine (that is to say, my zine for the August issue of Legends, not me being unduly pretentious about it...); when I do I'll probably put it elsewhere on the web and link to it here.

I suppose I did end up writing a safe review anyway...

Back into the day...


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