Playing back towards the black

Yesterday I spent part of the day looking for some in-person trades to work on my Fantastic Forces set, and in the process I happened into a game out at Wade's Comic Madness, a superbly-stocked comics shop in Levittown, PA.

While I was there I arranged some trades and picked up rookie and vet Sub-Mariners, vets Shocker and Cage, and exp & vet Lockjaws, making my set much healthier while helping to fill out a couple other players' sets. That leaves me lacking (from the base set) only the experienced Jolt and Sub-Mariner and the vet Invisible Woman. I'm in no particular rush to get this done, though sooner is always preferable. I might turn to some online trades for those and maybe the couple Super Rares and three uniques I'm still looking for -- or else I'll just wait a little while longer. The marquees are coming up in a few weeks, and that can be a good time to trade for things, especially if the word can get around ahead of time so people bring extra pieces.

In the meantime, attempting to recoup some of the recent expense, I'll be starting some clix auctions on eBay a little later tonight. Mostly Fantastic Forces pieces, most of those REV sets, a few uniques, and then three of the uniques from the Legacy set. I want to wait until after 9pm, though, as I don't want them ending too early in the evening, especially with me being here on the East Coast. With some luck I'll be able to get back a chunk of my outlay, and in any event it's better to get some cash back now rather than sit on far too many extras. I'll add an update onto this post with a link to the auctions once they're up.

Otherwise today it's been a nearly picture perfect weather day, with much lower humidity than what we slogged through last week, and much more moderate, low 80's temperatures. I took a walk up to Genuardi's for rolls, vegetables, etc., and caught up with some Legends-related email and work on the August zine. Sorting through the extra FF clix to select the REVs and write up auction text, playing with the cats, doing some cooking and a (very) little housework... thus has the day gone.

Okay: That's 23 auctions in progress.


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