Wot's all this then?

Just waking up on a Sunday morning, starting to check the news after taking care of some post-auction emails, and I find a piece in the New York Times informing me that even the police in Britain have admitted that the man they gunned down last week had no connection to the bombings. As I understand the piece, the man was a Brazilian eletrician and was ultimately gunned down for looking suspicious. The shocks going through the UK, where gun control laws long ago produced a police force routinely on the beat without sidearms, must be enormous. If the revised details hold up, I hope that the death of Jean Charles de Menezes will help the UK arrest it's halt into an armed, paranoid police state at this stage.

Of course, cictzens of the UK, depending upon where they live and travel, are under virtual round the clock surveillance while out in public, with some estimated 7 million "security" cameras in operation. The public notice laws for such surveillance have long been skirted by signs notifying people they're being filmed, as if this gives them some alternate route to choose in getting from place to place.

Bringing armed, deadly confrontations with frightened people in the streets into the mix has me wondering if this November's planned film adaptation of V For Vendetta will come too close to the mark for planned release.


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