Heroclix Trade List
(Still extremely incomplete - I have many hundreds of extra clix - updated 10/9/06)

Working this list into a blog page is far far easier for me to update and maintain than the old Geocities page was -- so here it is.

If all's gone well this will be permalinked in my sidebar menu. If you want to take a shot at a trade, I'm game. (Why else would I be doing this?) Check the lists and see if we can make a deal.

The most recently released set or two should be at the top, as they're going to naturally be the sets of most immediate interest. As I start to include older sets (mostly extras available for trade) I'll put those sets in alphabetical order.

Sinister: Available for Trade:
Swordsman R2 E1 V2
Hydro Man R4 E3 V2
Paste Pot Pete/Trapster R2 E2 V2
Mockingbird R2 E2 V2
Jewel/Jessica Jones E2 E1 V2
Beetle R2 E2 V1
Wizard R2 E3 V1
Electro R2 E2 V1
Fixer/Techno/Fixer R1 E1 V1
Jack O'Lantern R2 E1 V1
Sprite/Shadowcat R1 E1
Nighthawk R2 E1
Valkyrie R2 E1
Deathlok R2 E1
Falcon R3 E3 V1
Spider-Man R2 E1
Radioactive Man R2
Captain Marvel/Photon/Pulsar R2
Rhino R2
Whizzer/Speed Demon R2
Daredevil R2
Meggan R2
Bullseye R1 E1 V1
Kraven R1
Ka-Zar 1
Turk Barrett 3
Mary-Jane Watson-Parker 2
Sgt. Tork 2
Dallas Riordan 3

Sinister: Wants:
Hydra REV
Multiple MAN REV
Jamie Madrox bystander

Collateral Damage: Available for Trade:
Azrael E (Though I have a couple people at work who want one just for the sculpt, so that might stay here.)
Black Lightning R (2) & E
Black Mask (R2) & E(2)
Blue Devil R(3) & E(2)
Captain Cold R(3), E
Clayface R(4), E
Dr. Light R & V
Dr. Midnite R(2) & E
Elongated Man R(3) & E(2)
Emerald Empress R & E
Fire E
Geo-Force R (2) & V (I'm thinking of trying to trade something for another E and make that a full REV for resale, though, which would take these off the list.)
Green Lantern R(2) & E(2)
Ice R(3), E(2)
Manhunter R(2) & E
Mary Marvel R & E
Metamorpho R(3), E
Monsieur Mallah R (3)
Ragman R & V
Red Tornado R & V (same deal as with Geo-Force)
Shadow Lass/Umbra R & E
Speedy R(4) & E(2)
Superman Blue R
Trickster R & E
Ambush Bug U
Adam Strange U

Collateral Damage: Wants
Captain Marvel LE (#215)
Prince Brion Markov LE

Armor Wars Wants:
Crimson Dynamo V

Armor Wars Avaliable for Trade (I have plenty more, but these are in front of me at the moment):
Aurora RV
Banshee RE
Cannonball R
Crimson Dynamo RE
Dazzler R
Diamond Lil REV
Echo RE
Executioner R
Firebrand REV
Ghost E
Iron Man R
Killer Shrike RE
Lorelei REV
Magma E
Marrina RE
Paladin RE
Psylocke R
Shaman EV
Spymaster REV
Thunderball E
Thunderbird/Warpath RV
Titanium Man R
Ultron R
War Machine R
Wendigo EV

Icons Wants:
Joker R
Lex Luthor U
Terra U

Icons Available for Trade:
Beast Boy E (3)
Bizarro R (2)
Blackfire R, V
Cheetah V (2)
Darkseid R
Raven V
Scarecrow R, E (2)
Starfire V
Wonder Woman R

Fantastic Forces Wants:
None! The set's complete.

Fantastic Forces Available for trade:
Johnny Storm LE #209
Sue Storm - Super Rare #205
Asp - r,e
Awesome Android/Andy - r, v
Black Knight - r,e
Dr. Strange - r,e
Ghost Rider - r,e
Goliath/Atlas - r,e
Green Goblin - e,v
Hawkeye - e,v
Human Torch - e,v
Invisible Woman - r,e
Iron Fist - r,e
Jolt - r,v
Karma - e
Moonstar - e,v
Mr.Fantastic - r,e
Nightcrawler r,e
Power Man - r,e
Rogue - r,e
Scarlet Witch - r
Shocker - r
Songbird - e,v
The Thing - e,v
Tigra - r,e
Vulture - r,e
Yellowjacket - r,e

Clobberin Time Wants:
Thor E (I had one, but somewhere along the line the base went missing... and the base makes it the E)

Cosmic Justice Available for Trade:

Infinity Challenge Available for Trade:
Hulk LE #199
Wolverine LE #171

Ultimates Available for Trade:

Unleashed Available for Trade:
Shazam LE #221 (Kingdom Come)


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