Last Day

While I know some kids went back to school a week or more ago, 'round these parts the kids are getting back into the classroom for the first time tomorrow.

There's been none of the blue moping I'd half expected, as each of the boys is looking forward to at least some aspects of the new school year. Going over aspects of their schedules I've gotten excited about it, too, though then I remember that it's them getting to do it and not me, and then I get a little depressed all over again.

Nearly all of their last minute anxiety concerns being able to get to sleep at a reasonable hour after several months of staying up until dawn as the mood struck them. Nick's been much better about getting himself on an appropriate schedule while Travis' has, if anything, gotten worse over the past week or two. Today's seen some housework, a last truly summer day spent in part out with their friends, and a more hot dogs and hamburgers made than we've been able to work through so far. We're hoping the combination will forge a potent enough sleeping pill.

When I was growing up my Aunt Betty and Uncle Don, both of them schoolteachers, would always throw a big party on Labor Day, which was a fine way to send the summer packing. While we haven't tried anything that grand in terms of carrying on the tradition, it's still a good enough idea that I like to try to make that last day a little special, even while playing it low key.

I still have one more errand to run - or walk, really - so that's next on my list.

If this turns out to be the last item for this Labor Day (and even if it isn't) I hope you all had as pleasant a one as the circumstances permitted. Whatever that means.


Anonymous said…
Heh. The title and the graphic from the LOGAN'S RUN movie are inspired. Even more so when one considers that in the book, Lastday came at the age of 16 (or maybe 18, it's been a while since I've re-read it). The end of an idyllic childhood/vacation, indeed...

The Super Kids have been back in school for three weeks now, but they get out at the end of May down here, so it evens out, I suppose. To me, September will always be linked with a "Back To School" motif, so packing them off in August just seems wrong... and around here, kind of hazardous, given how hot the summers are. But it's how they do it.

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