Sinister Scans

I know, I know... I start posting again and I keep coming back to clix, which next to no one around here cares about.

This post's a series of scans for pieces we mostly hadn't seen much of so far from the upcoming Sinister set, as presented in Inquest Gamer magazine #134.

Special thanks to Superfro over at HCRealms for coming through with the scans. Don't blame him (or me) for the often lame humor in the captions. It's one of the reasons I don't buy Inquest Gamer.

(This assortment shows us that attack values of 10 have made it into the set here and there, and even a couple of 11s, but by and large we're continuing to see many many 9s and on down. We'll really only be able to judge these well as part of the complete mix, but as I'd mentioned in an earlier post I'm expecting an awful lot of rolling dice between successful attacks.)

First is Arkon, the teleporting, barbarous ruler of an alternate Earth, rendered as an 80 pt unique:

Next is one of the remakes, this one not seen since the very first set -- Bullseye. An attack value of 11 is apparently still (that's all the Infinity Challenge veteran received, and this one's in most other respects better) deemed suffificient for someone whose central talent is a forceful throwing arm matched with an almost unerring aim:

Next is one of those characters I was never very happy with conceptually, as someone who can convert herself into energy, living, moving and obviously thinking at such speeds, has to be written poorly or risk being too swift and powerful to be part of any interesting conflicts. What is this? DC? Still, here she is - and flying, Hypersonic Speed pieces are always useful - the second Captain Marvel:

... and what she started calling herself as part of a name all her own -- Pulsar:

Then there's a cool new take on Daredevil, with the rookie getting the red & yellow costume and the experienced and vet getting the more familair red:

Then there's a frequent comrade-in-arms for Captain America -- The Falcon:

One of the villains turned hero (at least we think so) - The Fixer:

Presented as a a nicely affordable 40 pt unique, we have the Lord of the Savage Land -- Ka-Zar!

A remake from Critical Mass, one of my favorite sets (Jeez! Was that really from December of '03?!), is up next. It's Kraven the Hunter:

Then comes another unique, this time it's the brother (and archenemy) of Black Bolt -- Maximus!

While not the most powerful mind-controller he has three targets and a unique dial, it's Killgrave the Purple Man:

The X-Men get a new version of a character presented back in the second expansion, Xplosion. Welcome to Sinister, Kitty Pryde -- it's Shadowcat:

...another villain turned tentative hero, with considerably less Super Strength than I'd have expected (a single click on each?!) it's Speed Demon:

Remembering that she hasn't always been linked to a flying horse, we have a strong-arming recipient of a bit of Asgardian enchantment and one of the Defenders I've been waiting for, it's Valkyrie:

Finally, another of the characters I've been waiting for since shortly after getting into the game..., even if indications are his stats aren't so hot and he's bereft of any team abilities, it's The Wingless Wizard:

...and that's enough for tonight. I mainly wanted to get these up while they were fresh.

No, wait... I do want to mention at least one of the other characters that Wizkids put up Wednesday, a piece I'd only heard was in the set quite late, and not one I was especially looking forward to. Seeing her (more her dials and Team affiliations, really) has made me interested in adding her to some teams. It's Mockingbird.

Yes, she's a shamelessly derivative character, created as Marvel's version of Black Canary so that there would be an athletic, superheroic, romantic partner for Hawkeye (much as Black Canary has been with Green Arrow over in DC), which unfortunately reinforced the misconception in some minds that Hawkeye was nothing but a derivative Marvel take on G.A. They did work to give her her own, disctinct identity, though, which worked to different degrees for different readers, as you'd expect.

At all levels (I'm presenting all three dials - Rookie/Experienced/Veteran - here at once; click on the image for a larger view) she's an increasingly good and inexpensive tie-up piece with a good chance of surviving an attack and of being able to deal some damage.

As you can see, this is a case where we have a character with a very linear development. The same bag of tricks grown more effective as her skills were honed. The upcoming changes to Combat Reflextes (the pale yellow in the Defense slot) will give her extra protection in a clinch, and then we have a Feat or two that builds off that power in this same set. Given that the rookie is a SHIELD agent and only 19 points, while the experienced and veteran are both Avengers and have costs of 27 and 34 points, respectively, she's potentially a golden addition to a team. She could potentially tie up and even do damage to pieces several times her cost, even with some Feats added to her.

There's always more, but now I'm really calling it a night. 6am comes a little sooner every day it seems.


Doc Nebula said…
Yeah, I'd seen Mockingbird yesterday. I'm happy to have her; I don't like the character, but she completes the charter West Coast Avengers squad. I'd have liked to see her get a little Incapacitate, but all around, yes, she's a nice cheap add on for either an Avengers or a SHIELD team.

As to the scans -- whoa! Valkyrie! That's awesome! With her and Swordsman, we only lack Mantis from being able to play out the Avengers-Defenders War! I'm happy to see Falcon, too, and very glad to see that DD will be a REV, and in his red costume for most of it... looks like this will be the best version of DD yet.

All told, while I wish the dials were MUCH better on several of the characters, I'm still looking forward to the set.
Mike Norton said…
We're definitely getting some bargain basement versions of some characters, and at least it works well enough in Mockingbird's case.

In general we're seeing it's the AVs that are the main source of trouble, so I'm anticipating ICWO being de rigeur for the Swordsman and an increasing number of others. Being able to turn the Swordsman's 9s to 10s and 8s to 9s will help.

Between that and Feats (Heightened Reflexes, Armor Piercing, maybe Swingline, or Vault) we can spend them closer to the effective levels they should have. Lacking TAs are a less soluble problem for those of us dealing with the official rules. The power choices thusfar haven't been as much of a problem for me; in general I see and mostly accept the rationale for the selections. In general, I'm probably more comfortable with the Psychic Blast where it's been popping up than I am with the ease of applying a 10 pt Armor Piercing to anyone. Since people are more likely to be using any Perplex they have on their Attack Values rather than their Damage, the Psychic Blast values I've been seeing in the... more questionable applications don't worry me much.

Is any of it as good as getting them right the first time? Of course not. But they're not consulting us first, and not only are the items in Sinister already set I believe all of the dials in October's Supernova are set, too. So complaints, unless they're backed by a boycott, aren't going to get us very far.

For the moment, putting Swordsman on a Taskmaster base or taking a 35 pt Ex. Swordsman and maybe turning him into a 70 pt piece with Thunderbolts, ICWO, and Heightened Reflexes appear to be the two, general directions to go. How palatable a 70 pt, 5-click piece is likely to be is going to be a matter of personal choice.

But... hey! It's after 5pm. Are we going to get any new previews today?

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