Kalu Kalay, No Brick Today
Problems with one or more distributors, I'm guessing, have resulted in some regions expecting their Supernova today. Grant was hit by that up in Chicago, so his trip out yesterday netted him nothing, and while my immediate area is supplied an area 40-60 miles away is expecting them today; that's where my pre-paid brick is coming in. Mike T. has a class after work tonight, and the shop closes at 8, so it's almost certain he's not going to be able to pick it up until Friday evening... which means I won't see that until Monday.
However, my case is on a local FedEx truck and is set to be delivered to home sometime today. Hopefully mine will be one of the good ones -- one like the past two I've gotten, where the breakdown of number of figures per rarity level was highly predictable, and they truly were "collectible cases." Some of the horror tales coming along so far are suggesting screw-ups that are making the imbalances of Armor Wars seem tame. I'm repeatedly reminding myself that every set sees early, loud complaints and rogue cases with wild collations, so getting worked up pre-emptively is doubly foolish.
If the early warnings of apocalypse prove to mark the trend, though, this won't so much be a case of stumbling back two steps but will be more like arms pinwheeling as Wizkids falls backwards down a stairwell.
Appointments after work will mean I won't be getting to my case until well into the evening, but barring something else going wrong today I expect to have a report on that up before I drop for the night.
No information down here on distribution or collation, as we are united in our resolve NOT to buy ANY Supernova.
I have an appointment for Nick heading for 6, and that could tie us up for an hour or so. I'll most likely postpone eating dinner (everyone else is free to eat as they wish), so I might be tucking into the case this side of 7:30.
For various reasons I'm only operating on about 3 1/2 hours of sleep, and this Thursday is turning out to not be the one I ordered, so trying not to make things worse with clumsy blunders is my goal for the day.
I don't know if they were packaged as single boosters or bricks. Likely some of both, but I don't know if the distribution issues were limited to bricks.
(I'm presuming that they actually ship them both ways, rather than as all bricks that get broken down.)
::scrutinizing you suspiciously:: What you mean we, white woman?
Worst case on the supply side is if there's some hefty, short-term speculation going on concerning overall scarcity (an artificially produced condition) and the search for zombies. I'm hoping that what I've heard of falling zombie prices, already as almost anyone who's found one is quickly putting them up for sale, will slap some sense into these people as they realize they're not going to be able to get $150, $200 or so for a single piece and will be stuck trying to move many hundreds of pieces from the main set.
Down in the Bensalem, Levittown, Fairless Hills area of PA there appears to have been a broad shipping problem. Again, it's difficult to sort this out without knowing who's getting what from whom.
Much of the anxiety at the shops is due to them wanting to safeguard sufficient stock for the marquees, and not being sure they'll be able to get more soon and at normal costs.
H: I recognize clix-baiting when I see it! She's a devil, that one!