Darren & Tammy are tying the not, and while I was most graciously invited it didn't turn out to be something I could swing. The past week alone saw a sudden expense for over $1800 (the gremlins can smell when a refund is coming, and they'll likely be back to devour the rest of it soon) and, as ever, there's been too much that whether I like it or not I must care about in the workplace.

I've known Tammy for the past few years, and Darren for well over fifteen, harking back to when he came into Legends. In both instances it's mainly been via correspondence, though phone calls have been part of each relationship, too.

They have a great journey ahead of them, one that I hope will continue to be as bright and positive for both of them as most of the past couple years have been -- at least in terms of brightening each other's days even when so much else goes awry. Knowing there's someone whose highest priority is your happiness is possibly the greatest wealth to be had in life.

To their future together!


Doc Nebula said…
Thanks, Mike. Have a great time! Wish you were here! ;)
Unknown said…
Best Wishes, Tammy and Congratulations, Darren!

Anything I could add would pale in comparison to the Toastmaster's sentiments.
Mike Norton said…
D: Nah, a big gathering like that would be an almost disastrous first time for us to get together.

I know the event's in the best of all possible hands with Tammy, and a vile pox be on anyone who got in the way of the celebration.

CL: Thenk yew, thenk yew...
SuperWife said…
Thanks, Mike and CL!! Very sweet sentiments and deeply appreciated.

Mike, sometime in the next few days I'll send you an email about the recent terrible spread of pox in our area...;)
Mike Norton said…
Ha! Looking forward to it.
Dwight Williams said…
Belated congratulations, Darren and Tammy! Just found out today!

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