
The above bit of video Crypt Leak sent my way, so I thought I'd pass it along. It's a nicely-done presentation. I do hope that more of the people whose national loyalties have been played so as to get them to dismiss any claims against administration policies - any administration's policies - as unpatriotic are managing to see through the manipulation, lies and abuse of their trust.

Meanwhile, however quixotic, I am heartened by some attempts - such as one by Dennis Kucinich in seeking to file papers of impeachment against Dick Cheney - to try to bring some of the players into a cleansing light. (Thanks to Tammy for pointing that one out.)

Oh, here's one I recommended back when it was first broadcast, but which has since won a Peabody Award: Habeas Schmabeas. If you believed Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld or any of their various talking heads when they told you that Guantanamo is filled with "evildoers" who were "picked up on the battlefield," then this This American Life audio piece may be enlightening. (Either download the MP3, the transcript or just click on the "Full Episode" link and let it play on your desktop.)

If you wonder how the people of Germany in the middle 1930s through the fall of the Nazi Party just stood by, well, you may be able to find some understanding by looking at us, here and now.

Well, while I'm at it, here's another bit of historical comparison to conclude this post on. The audio's scratchy and in need of some work, but the parallels are solid:


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