Another Sunday

A lost Sunday morning and then some, but spilt milk and all that.

Next up is a shower, a brief time in work (I won't be there tomorrow, and I need to clear out a little of it if my Tuesday return's going to be manageable), a quick shopping trip, then home to slice into strips and marinate chicken and steak (along with onions and peppers) for fajitas; it struck me as good, summer fare as each of us can assemble them as and when we choose from late afternoon and well into the evening. We're keeping it very pleasant in here, but I know the heat outside is awful. At the moment it's 93 F with a heat index of 97. It probably won't be that much better even by this evening or whenever it is you happen to be reading this. We have a shot at rain today, but we'll see how that goes.

The aim's to by the time it hits 5pm I'm free to do whatever I want to with the remainder of the day. Aside from catching the penultimate episode of Six Feet Under tonight at 9, I'm going to try to stay away from the television for the rest of the day.

With less than 10 hours until they start going off, I'm hoping to see much more activity on my current wave of Heroclix auctions. People should be staying inside in the air conditioning, surfing the 'Net and spending e-cash on crap they don't need! What are our troops dying for if not that?!


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