Medical Care Info: Bush Administration Style

Oh, okay.

We can't have the government drive a healthcare plan for the nation -- you know, like nearly every other advanced nation has -- because we're told "it wouldn't work over here" and because government programs are just so terrible. However, it's a great idea to dump $60 million over the next five years into a program to monitor all prescriptions so they can catch people who "doctor shop" to get multiple prescriptions they're addicted to? We need to spend this much money to, what, catch Rush Limbaugh the next time he gets hooked?

Let them establish -- as a benefit of being a citizen -- a national prescription program so we only pay $15-20 for name brand prescriptions and $5-10 for generics, and then I'll say that federal monitoring of them makes some sense.

If someone has the medical insurance and/or cash to be running around in and out of state to get their Vicodin and Valium then let them! It seems to me that's more a problem for their employers, families and insurance companies. Maybe we should all be doing it, as Bush and Friends put our future into hock and make it likelier by the day that our sons and daughters will be shipped out to the latest "liberation" operation. How soon until strikes on Iran begin, Rummy? The most important thing will be giving the war a really cool, stirring name.

(Yeah, I know part of why this jumped out at me was that on the way back from our visit I had to stop and pick up the latest pocket of prescriptions. This was a light load, at a mere $136.19, with me being able to only get half of that back in about two weeks via what passes for a prescription plan for me. I wonder if the Secret Service pays you a visit if you pay Rold Gold to make a pretzel delivery to Crawford TX?)

[Oh. Post #700, btw.]


Anonymous said…
I hope Bush can work to improve health care as we are in a major crisis with over 45 million lacking coverage.
Mike Norton said…
I wouldn't trust the man to do anything that's in our long term interests. It's all more of the Reagan-era B.S. where they start with the flawed presumption that we can't have national healthcare (though we can spend incredible sums on military adventures and a ludicrous "war on drugs") and then proceeds to pit workers against employers. Ultimately they tout the Free Market as the only solution, and in the end we settle for more and more of a "must suck to be you" attitude while a small number of people receive proper healthcare and grow wealthier, too.

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