Comments update

Owing to blasts of spam posts, some more devious than others, in the comments, I've activated something that'll hopefully at least cut out the ones placed there by automated spam engines.

Now posters will be asked to type in a short string of characters seen in a graphic before submitting the post. If I'm going to have to continue to delete "Nice blog!" comments with links back to purely commercial websites I want to at least know someone took more time spamming me than I have rubbing it out.


TT said…
Excellent blog! I give it an A+ with a Gold Star!! If you want, you can check out my Miraclo Drug Blog that reveals many things that nobody knows about the new cures for QED: Azarath, Metrion, and Zinthos!

OK, Actually I'm just trying out the filter you put up. I've only had a couple of spam comments pop up in my blog(one right after the other), so I don't feel much need to add this type of thing. When I do (note, that didn't say "If"), I'll have to get the get the secret incantation from you to turn it on.
Anonymous said…
You know, some of us would probably kill to have spammers pay attention to our blogs.


But not me! OH NO! Not me, pal.

You have been linked at Open Mike Night, my lovely blog. Just cause.

When you write about Pat Robertson, BTW, you're only giving him more of what he craves. Underserved attention. Oops. I just did it. Bad Mike. Slap.
Mike Norton said…
Tim: Hey, you're the Dungeonmaster! If you don't have the incantation then what can I do?

Mike: I was just thinking of your recently as I was looking through a Legends zine where one of our newer members was writing about the staging and performance in a play he was in. I'll add your blog to my links shortly...

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