New Guy Night update

Though they've mistakenly identified it as "New Kid Night" it was revealed over at ICV2 that the free clix figure WizKids will be given out for the event (one for the established player and another for the "new guy", who'll also receive a Universe Starter set) will be a Spider-woman limited edition piece. No verified sculpt or stats so far, though the sculpt will most likely be the one seen here.

New Guy Night will be a promotional event launching what Wizkids calls it's "Superhero Training Program" which they intend some continuation of with each new set. The plan is obviously to get established players looking for fresh meat to bring to each of these events in order to get the latest LE. They're banking on established players looking for someone new to bring each time, and hoping that some of those who are brought will become hooked on the game and want to get the new LEs, too. Given the social habits of many of the gamers I've seen, people who make me feel gregarious by comparison, I'm wondering when the first reports of "Homeless Guy Night" sightings will come in...

Okay, now I'm off into my day.


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