
I woke up in need of some water -- I'd falled back into drinking too much soda and not enough water the past few days, and it's leaving me feeling generally gummed up -- and decided to pop online to check mail, etc. Recalling something I'd seen in passing yesterday, I thought I'd take a moment to make a few comments.

In one of those moves of questionable promotional value, Wizkids' Heroclix sites directed people to look in on something on the UnderGroundsOnline site on Wednesday: A girls meet gamers demonstration of the game, in an exercise they call Herochix.

In this demo of the game, four "young, attractive models" (so-described on the site, one's own tastes will vary) are hooked up with four Heroclix players who act as coaches, and a game is joined. Petty bickering and in-fighting ensue, including moments of terrible rules lawyership. An example: When there's an attempt to hold one player's call as a mistake because she mis-identifies Impervious as Invulnerability while using Outwit... and the act's nullified, the Outwit move deemed wasted. That sort of thing, along with at least one "Yoink!" as a coach pulls a KOed piece away from one of the girls who has just lost it, general trash talk and all of it set to a plodding, Rap beat... I don't know if we really want to attract players who would be enticed by this presentation. Sure, at least some of it's a put-on, with the diva attitudes and In Your Face approaches, but - again - who would want to be associated with some of these people?

I don't know how quickly the video streams via a dial-up connection, but if you happen to take a look at it I'd be interested in reading what you thought of the little show they put on. Maybe it's my not being a gamer, not being used to what others might consider part of the fun interaction, that has me seeing it in such a poor light?


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