Sky High Gratitude
The next time you pick up a cordless tool or look up at your satellite dish, will you think of NASA? Perhaps not, but chances are that you are enjoying one of the many benefits of technologies developed as a result of space exploration. Infrared sensors designed to remotely measure the temperature of planets and stars are being used for early detection of breast cancer and for measuring body temperature. JPL's Global Positioning System (GPS) software and receiver technologies are used in monitoring millimeter-level tectonic plate motion and large-scale tracking of airplanes. This talk will focus on the brilliant innovations of JPL technologists that have improved the quality of our lives and in some cases changed them greatly.

Thursday and Friday lectures on technological spin-offs from the space program will be webcast. One can catch them live at 7pm Pacific time (10 pm here in real time on the East coast), or watch the archived versions later at the same place. As best I can tell it's the same lecture each night, not a two-part series of lectures.

The lectures will be delivered by Dr. Karina Edwards, Senior Technology Transfer Specialist, JPL innovative Technology Assets Management Office.


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