In Your Face, Jethro Bodine!

You Passed 8th Grade Science

Congratulations, you got 8/8 correct!

I still can't decide between Double Nought Spy and Hollywood Producer, though...


Anonymous said…
Just what is the charge on a neuron?

As near as I can reckon, it's about -60 mV.

Ohhh- neutron. Boy am I a dumbass.
Mike Norton said…
Heh. Yeah, it did require one to look at the answers and decide that the teacher had made a spelling error. It was just like being back in school!
Doc Nebula said…
Heh. I got 8 out of 8 too. But I figured the neuron thing was a trick question, and even a neuron should have no charge... in a dead man. Or a conservative. One of them.


Damn it. Now I'll go back to my home dimension for 90 days. I HATE my home dimension. Dammit.
Mike Norton said…
Since it was an 8th grade question, and looking over the answers, I figured they meant neutron and ran with that, though I did have a tiny flash that maybe they were trying for a neuron post-discharge, though it didn't make much sense. Either way, 0 was the only answer in the group that made sense.

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