Terrain, Anyone?

Okay, the last thing most of us into Heroclix need is another expense, but I wanted to pass along word of a 3D terrain gaming system Hasbro has that is about to expand into the Marvel Superhero universe.

A recent posting at About.com's boardgames section:
Marvel Legends HeroScape Announced
An entirely new set of HeroScape figures -- based on the Marvel Comics universe -- was announced recently at San Diego Comic Con. The figures will be packaged in a new Master Set edition of the game, and it will be known as Marvel Legends HeroScape. It's expected to be available in November 2006. According to a post at Heroscapers.com by Doc_Savage, the Marvel HeroScape master set will include 10 figures (five pairs of heroes and their arch-villains): Spiderman, Venom, Captain America, Red Skull, Hulk, Abomination, Iron Man, Dr. Doom, Silver Surfer, and Thanos. A photo of the Comic Con display is available at The Lair of the Evil DM. In a post at Heroscapers.com by allskulls, it's reported that Marvel Legends HeroScape will be compatible with "classic" HeroScape -- but the game designers don't recommend merging the two. It also seems that Hasbro is holding off on any expansions for Marvel Legends HeroScape until they see how well the master set sells.
It's a separate game system, not Heroclix, so the attraction here is the interlocking, hexagonal terrain, building sections, possibly some of the sculpts and the seemingly compatible scale - though we have nothing in any of the shots I saw to provide a clear sense of scale.

I have little idea how much terrain is in the base set, and how they intend to sell additional terrain. The only pricing I've seen so far is an AR of $29.99, a note that it'll be available next January (despite the other notice saying November), and there were several references that lean on contracts with Wal-Mart and Target. So far it sounds extremely tentative -- which is to say they're looking for a strong response before they'll move ahead with any more sets. Honestly, though, my primary interest should everything else hold true is in the terrain elements, not much on the figures and not at all on the game itself.

In the time it took to throw this post together my interest in all this has already begun to wane a little - creating 3D landscape features myself would likely be much more rewarding, and adapting some of the rules concerning adjacency and line of fire to a hexagonal grid might post some problems anyway - but it's still something I'll be interested in getting more details on as the holiday season approaches in a few months.


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