Clix Pix

Scans of part of the new Hawkman, along with the Question, Shazam and Booster Gold, all from an ad for March's Origin set.

(Click on each for a larger view) First, we have this pair: A new Hawkman (#s 58-60) in what appears to be classic '60s gear, and a somewhat stylized (the themed backdrop) Question (#s 34-36.)
The Hawkman is nicely detailed, though the pose appears a little odd from this angle. The wings look impressive, reminding me of the KC Hawkman from the Legacy set, and have led to speculation that like that piece the wings may be packed separately from the figure and plug/snap into his back.

The Question... appears reasonably nice. I wouldn't expect a more dramatic pose from him, so I'm not complaining. It looks fairly good, and experience is that it'll look much better in person. What's done with the dial will be much more important.

Next there's an Alex Ross-inspired Shazam (Captain Marvel) (#s 79-81) and a new Booster Gold (#s 43-45), complete with assistant/sidekick, the hovering robot Skeets... presumably when Skeets wasn't a homicidal menace.

As is often the case with ad photos I'm going to presume the grounded Captain Marvel is just a mock-up error.., unless the vet's meant to represent him as the guy stuck in the Rock of Eternity, and so is a very powerful but grounded figure?

Will this Booster be a more versatile piece than the Hypertime version? Almost certainly. Not only have we come to expect more consistent dials, but as someone with a personal force field and so much future tech I'm expecting a hardier, more capable version.

The pre-release -- the first opportunity I'll have to get any of these in my hands -- is 34 days off on March 3rd, and the opportunity to pick any up at a store four days later on the 7th. I remain interested, but not really excited about the set. For now the new information's mostly a welcome distraction.



Doc Nebula said…
The scans look good. As to Hawkman -- well, it's hard to imagine Seth doing him any WORSE. A Vet character who is primarily a hand to hand combatant with a top AV of 8 really just doesn't work for me.

It's interesting that we're getting the classic Question just in time for him to die in 52. Although, as this Question looks very much like the Charleton original, one could argue that that character is still out there somewhere, since DC's 90s version really bore very little resemblance to Ditko's original.

It would be very very cool if the pictured sculpt was the Rookie, the Experienced had a sculpt more like what we saw in the 90s -- street clothes and faceless mask with hair showing -- and the Vet was the new Rene version. But I doubt HC is going to do that for us.

I've heard the original Booster figure called 'the taxi that never dies', and even under my House Rules, he's fabulous at that task, since he's a cheap flyer with Super Strength. Be nice to see him get a little Probability Control, though. If there's one thing Booster Gold is, it's lucky.
Mike Norton said…
With an emphasis on the multiverse upcoming at DC I'm not sure who to expect. A reader of the Manhunter series recently mentioned that a character who appears to be the Ted Kord Beetle has recently shown up in that series, so who knows?

As you say, almost any thoughtful re-do of Hawkman is bound to be an improvement. Aside from the 8 AV you mentioned - trailing off to abysmal lows as things did in those days - there's all of the straight vanilla Defense slots with easy-to-hit numbers; not even the veteran had a higher Defense than 15. Hopefully we'll get some Super Senses or ES/D (for the in-game effects, of course, rather than for anything literal) leading into Combat Reflexes, and all with better Defense numbers.
TT said…
I see one problem with your theory that the "Shazam!" figure is a mock-up error -- that sculpt doesn't look fit for a flight base. It certainly looks like the sculpt is meant to be solidly mounted as shown.

I'd speculate that it might be meant as a unique, and that the vet base was the mock-up error, but you gave the piece numbers for the REV.
Mike Norton said…
Always hard to tell at this stage, but considering figures from Troia to Obsidian to the earlier Supergirl all that would need to be the case is that he'd be mounted on one of those transparent cross-stand pieces. That the discs on his feet are painted/tinted could just be a painting error as they rushed to get the shots done for the ad. It they left those discs clear he could be attached to one of those platforms.

As for the placement in the set (an REV instead of a unique) I'm going from the numbered list leaked Christmas day, which so far has matched up with the numbering. Besides, especially with all the changes he's been put through in the interim I doubt they'd just give us another unique of him. (Though, that was the route they took with Thanos...)

Barring him being one of the sneak peeks in the interim I suppose we'll find out March 3rd via the pre-release, as stats will be posted on messageboards.

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