Decisions, Decisions...

Messy weather is on the way -- snow, freezing rain, a little more snow. It's 27 degrees out there now, and will be falling farther overnight. No great accumulation predicted, but we had just a little freezing rain this past Friday morning and the road conditions (well, the traffic incidents and accidents at least) were horrendous. Accidents and road closures due to the same, and trips that during normal commute-hour traffic might take 20 minutes taking an hour or more.

Not worth it. When it gets that way it's better to head out an hour or more early and bring something along to do in exchange for a smoother, faster, less stressful drive. Or, if it's an option, take the day off.

How much heat comes with the wetness is always the tricky bit in these things, but we've been below freezing long enough now that no matter how liquid the fall it's going to freeze on contact, and some people will be driving in a way that screams "we're all gonna diiiiiiie!"

Add to this that part of Monday's plan is for me to take my wife to a specialist's appointment middle/late morning, which would call for me to have to cut out heading for 10 am... and I'm reformulating my Sunday night/Monday plans.

I'm going to go into work tonight and see how much of Monday's load I can shift out of the way.

I'll drive on just about anything -- it's not the weather and road surfaces that bother me so much -- but it's the other drivers who make it dangerous. The nature of my job allows me to do things like this -- we're results-driven, and having the results available means multiple people in other departments have the values they need to move ahead with their tasks. Whether I finish them Sunday night or sometime Monday matters little, indeed this way should work better save for my not being there to explain anything.

So... that's where I'm off to in a few moments since I've taken care of dinner for everyone.

I'd seen earlier that D has similar concerns about tomorrow. Checking the local weather for them has shown some changes over the past several hours, and at the moment it appears they're going to stay well above freezing overnight and during the day tomorrow, so hopefully the anticipated problems have pre-melted away for them... at least for Monday.

Depending on how the night goes I may be back online sometime late tonight or early tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm still pre-emptively chewing over what Fearless Leader will attempt pushing on the nation as part of the State of the Union speech, looking to tax some of the medical benefits we get from employers and push all of the uninsured to seek private insurance. Someone from the insurance industry lobby must be even now on her knees with her head bobbing enthusiastically between his. What a potential pay day for the insurance biz.

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Anonymous said…
Yeah, we got nuttin' here. Actually woke Sunday morning to some very minor freezing rain (on the landscape, not on the roads at all), but it had melted by afternoon. Cold and wet. No snow. It's just depressing.

I guess you're the person who is supposed to be helping me "count my blessings" in this situation, huh?
Mike Norton said…
A lousy Monday as it turned out, I'm already beaten and looking to stick to the shadows on the way to the illusory safety of next weekend.
Anonymous said…
Crap. I was looking forward to the whole "posting every day" thing. Hope it gets better quickly.

Hang in there.
Mike Norton said…
Well, I came close. We'll see how well it goes from Wednesday on.

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