Portrait in Petrol

Seeing that crude oil prices have reached a new record (high, unfortunately), I thought I'd toss out the change in local gas prices here this week. In the past three days I've seen the best (lowest) of the gasoline prices move from $1.88 to $1.95/gal. Seeing the price move up one or two cents between each trip past the station - on my way to and from work - has been the norm this week.

Whenever these price spikes occur I'm always moved to remark how quickly the prices at the pump soar whenever crude oil prices spike, yet when the crude prices drop we're quickly told that that won't affect us for months, as we're buying fuel processed from oil purchased months earlier. I'm amazed that this simple dynamic - where they at least appear to have it both ways in their favor - doesn't result in a successful legal action against fuel suppliers.

So, how have the gasoline prices been for you lately?


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