Black WidowLizardWrecker

Ultimates list & stats released

The header pretty much says it. (Each of the images above links to the dial for that figure's vet version.) They're all here. The 186 pt Thor dial, among others, looks good. The 94 pt. Xorn dial is a nice support piece, with both TK down its 8 click dial and Support for the first three. Of course, both happen to be uniques... I'm still not sold on this set. Still, it does have some nice pieces and dials. For instance, there's the vet Sidewinder, with Leadership, Super Senses, three clicks of an 8 Attack Value, and not only a built in Phasing ability, but a starting Speed of 14! He can move anywhere and do so quickly. It's especially nice to see a Hawkeye (even if the sculpt is an Ultimates version) with good stats. Compare the new veteran's dial with the one from Clobberin' Time. It's even more of an improvement than it first seems, as the new vet version has the Ultimates TA, and so he can ignore hindering terrain. That not only gives him built in Leap/Climb, but he can pick off a target hiding in Stealth. Sure, they moved the Running Shot later to late in the dial, shaved his Speed a little and dropped the Range from 10 to 8, but in general it's a solid improvement for a 9 point difference.

As I'm going to be going to Wizard World East tomorrow, so I should be able to buy three Ultimates boosters. I know I'll open them, but with the commercial release of the set not scheduled until June 30th, it may be wise for me to begin some auctions before the weekend's out. Some people who'll want to have various clix ahead of their buddies will be likely to pay a little extra now, and it could help recoup some of the day's expenses. For now, though, it's all speculation. We'll see by Saturday night.


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