Case O' Legacy

True to UPS' word, the case hit here today and was waiting for me when I came home this evening. I took care of some other matters first, so that added another hour onto the delay, but I finally settled into breaking down the case after dinner.

The downside of the case was that there was neither a KC Green Lantern nor a KC Flash in the mix, so I am disappointed. Clearly, someone else got my case... Well, either that or neither WizKids nor the universe owed them to me, it seems. I'll have to try to wheel and deal for them unless I happen to pull them either at the marquee later this month or in the four packs I ordered with this month's comics from Westfield -- whenever I'll see those. Still, it isn't as if I'm in a rush. I'm still missing some pieces here and there from the previous few sets, after all.

Getting beyond that, I'm doing fairly well in this set. The only pieces I'm missing are:

E & V Ravager, E & V Mr. Freeze, R Superboy, V Ra's al Ghul and R Batman. The missing uniques: Oracle, Wonder Woman, and the aforementioned Green Lantern & Flash.

Missing only seven REV clix and four uniques, on the face of it it isn't a bad shortfall for two days after the set hit the streets. I have some very good REV extras, so the first seven shouldn't be a problem to arrange trades for.

The extra uniques I have are Red Robin and Prometheus, which I'm hoping will get me some good trades. They're good pieces, but not the much-anticipated stars of the set. I'm more inclined to try to use them as parts of deals to get KC Green Lantern and KC Flash than either Oracle or Wonder Woman, but we'll see.

Between the case and the five loose boosters I only managed to pull a single Lazarus Pit and Overconfidence, and not a single Radiation Leak. Nothing I'll lose any sleep over, as I'm sure they'll sort out in the long term. I could have done without the five Trick Shots, but who knows, a DC-only player might be looking for them. I did manage four Fortitude cards - all of them showing up very late in the case probably just to make me sweat a little. Four is fairly good, though more would be handy for putting together some of those heavy-hitter teams.

The Super Rares I pulled were Etrigan, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, Roland Desmond and Nyeun Chun Ti. I was hoping for Red Hood, Roy Harper Jr. and maybe Victor Fries or Todd Rice, but these aren't major issues for me. Jennifer was in my list of top four SRs I wanted, so that much worked out.

No word from Chicago, which is something of a surprise as G was tracking his case for delivery today, too, and was at least as anxious to get to them as I was. Hopefully nothing went awry up there. We've traditionally worked out such trades as we can with each other first, so I'm hoping to make some deals with him later tonight/over the weekend.

Next day update: Okay... a trade appears to have been arranged using some of the Legacy extras and some extras from earlier sets (an extra Mimic and U Batgirl), so I believe I'll soon have Green Lantern, Oracle, E Ravager, V Mr. Freeze, V Ra's al Ghul and a Radiation Leak BFC card. G & I have been remarking how fortunate we were to have gotten Ares out of the way with those early booster buys, as neither of us pulled one in our cases. That'll still leave me looking for the Flash & Wonder Woman uniques, V Ravager, E Mr. Freeze, R Superboy & R Batman to complete the #1-97 main run of this set. I have a marquee coming up on the 23rd, and I won't be seeing the clix I ordered via Westfield until after that (I just checked, and they're not part of the box due to arrive next Tuesday), so barring any moments of weakness that see me buying more loose boosters in the interim the above snapshot is likely where I'll be until at least the marquee or H's case come around. Update +: The above deal's confirmed.


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