Weekend... With Chocolate

It's another Saturday, so the feel of "holiday weekend" is largely behind me since there aren't anymore weekdays off in the mix. Tomorrow will see a trip to my in-laws for dinner, which is nice in its way but travel & family obligations on a Sunday... eh. When Sundays hit there's already such a stench of moribund weekend and impending Monday that the time almost seems gone as it is. A couple hours travelling back and forth, and visiting... augh. I'm just not one for most get-togethers. I'm much better with them if there's still at least one more day off afterwards.

So, well, I'll focus for now on it still being Saturday (yeah, yeah, it's like taking solace in a Lifesaver's candy...) and the sudden influx of candy (pounding the theme mercilessly) tomorrow.

As you've noticed, I've added a banner for 24 Hour Comics Day up top. I'm aiming to observe it in some way this year, whether it's going out to one of the events or just trying to come up with something at home. I don't know that I'll get back to where we lived until a few years ago and go to Wade's Comic Madness -- which appears to be the only store in Pennsylvania to officially take part in it this year -- but Wade has a solid, well-stocked store and a large space downstairs where he holds gaming events and others like this.

The idea, in a nutshell, is to go from conception to execution of a 24 page comic in 24 consecutive hours. Stick figures and even collage panels are common, not to mention some rambling on in text to fill up some of the space. It's a challenge to one's creativity, not a serious attempt to produce a stunning work of art or a breakthrough in the world of graphic fiction. The idea was cast out as a challenge years ago by Scott McCloud, and became an international institution a few years ago. Here are some examples. So, I'll be leaving that up until late April as a reminder to me and a general annoyance to everyone.


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