I'm guessing Warner's plans to send an assassin robot back to 1981 to kill her didn't pan out

This is one of those intellectual property cases I hadn't heard about. In this case it's word that a Black author, Sophia Stewart, has won a case alleging that the Matrix and Terminator movies were based on works of science fiction she'd submitted for consideration to the Wachowski brothers in response to an ad for new sci-fi work.

Here's some interview material with the alleged author.

The announcement of the lawsuit's settlement was reportedly made back on October 4th of last year, which is probably what makes it most interesting to me as such a huge (an estimate of $2.5 billion is referenced) settlement concerning such properties, one would think, would be difficult to keep quiet. Presuming the initial report is accurate (ie the settlement/court judgement is true) then it lends some credence to the message and tone of the first link concerning corporate squelching of a story in mainstream media because it would reflect poorly on the people writing the checks. (Thanks, Tammy, for sending this one along.)


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