Wednesday Morning Grab Bag

Here's a frightening selection of right-wingers looking for love. More of these are found at their Hannidate source.

If you happen to know any of these people, they hit it off and you're looking for a wedding gift for them, perhaps you could do some shopping here. Surely the couples would want a velvet shot of Jesus and Elvis in Heaven, though Jesus may look decidedly too Liberal for them, come to think of it. Do you think he's Elvis' dealer? Well, maybe they'll go for some instructional Jesus cartoons for our modern times to give to their spawn? Or, for an alternate view, maybe it was mostly thanks to Spider-man? (Thanks to Tammy for the first few links, and Tom Peyer for pointing out the Bible comics.)

Oh, while I'm at it I should point out this page spotlighting Jimmy Olsen's propensity for cross-dressing. I saved that for today, not wanting to get it too close to the piece on the Joker's boners. (This link was courtesy of I'm a Crypt Leak, btw.)


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