George Dubya Seagull

Here's a must-read piece by a retired USAF Lt. Colonel concerning the use of the "Leadership Matters" slogan being used by the Bush administration. Please read and spread it around.

"An absence of leadership qualities in our military leaders gives rise to terms like "Seagull" Colonels and Generals, a species known to swoop in, make a lot of noise, crap all over everything, and then fly away. But our seagulls had an advantage over Bush and Cheney. Regardless of the mistakes made and not remedied, regardless of the illogic, stupidity and sheer idiocy of our present unit's existence under a seagull commander, at least we could be 100% sure they wouldn't be around for long."

Now, let's see how quickly the Bush team tries to rip Karen Kwiatkowski's military record to shreds while drumming up as many yes-men in uniform to salute the money-stuffed shirt in the White House.


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