Quick notes

I should be in bed. Asleep. Trying to catch at least 6 hours of sleep before plunging into another workday... but here I am.

Noticing that Mark Gibson had been following some of the latest misstatements from America's bane, Dubya (as he tried pushing on the issue of capping malpractice awards, something they're trying to use against Edwards at the national level, and are pushing strongly here at the state level in Pennsylvania), I figured a good complement would be a slightly different stripe of arrogance from Dick "Haliburton" Cheney as he warns that a Kerry victory would see us attacked anew by terrorists. The piece has additional, unintentional yoks as Dubya steps back in with more of the ludicrous, if-we-say-it-enough-times-it-becomes-the-truth accusations of "flip-flopping" by John Kerry. On the one hand it's heartening to hear this shinola cranked up at ever higher volumes, as it shows they're scared and getting a little desperate, but then I deflate as I see some of the people who are eating it all up.

Meanwhile, on a more personally mercenary subject, I added more Heroclix auctions to my eBay listings. I'd have more up by now, but Monday night saw terrible connection problems with eBay. I felt as if I was going to have a stroke getting anywhere with it, and gave up after only adding 7 more. Tonight saw 16 more, bringing me up to 112 auctions, more than I ever had running back in the days when I was just selling off extra comics. I have some more to go up Wednesday night, and maybe a little more beyond that.


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