Yeah, yeah... another delay

I'd anticipated starting a wall of Heroclix auctions tonight, but a too long workday followed b a technical glitch has gotten in the way. It's probably for the best, as this will give me a chance to get some other items (aside from uniques) set up, too, and consider some other options. Had I gone through with what I had ready tonight it would have just been 32 auctions for uniques (well, 31 uniques and 1 LE), and I'd like to put up other singles and groups along side those to increase the likelihood someone will aim to buy multiple items and minimize the shipping costs.

Speaking of clix, though, while this week didn't see a sneak peek of one of the figures for November's Mutant Mayhem, it did bring a new set of rules for giant figs. So far it'll only apply to the Giant Man fig in the upcoming set, though it may retroactively apply to Unleashed's Bat Sentry. It's an interesting set of rules, though so far the application is so narrow as to be just a curiosity at this point.

As for the afore mentioned upcoming set, Mutant Mayhem, the rumors and confirmations have continued to mount. Those who are interested have probably been checking it, but here's a link to boneyard's list. With probably well over two months before release, the list is beginning to fill out.


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