Divine Conflict

Reacting to recent news that the Church of Scientology is coming out with a NASCAR crew, Fark has opened a photoshop thread on sports teams sponsored by major religions. There's not much in there so far, but the one shown here (by Evil Twin Skippy) is so far my conceptual favorite - even if it's a joke I heard before and despite it being next to nil in the photoshop department. The thread's not going anywhere strongly so far and may not produce much worth seeing before it scrolls to obscurity -- and certainly it's going to be blasphemy to some -- but I wanted to note it.

The notion that a Supreme Being would be wooed in favor of one team or another has always walked the line between absurdly amusing (as it would belie His supreme nature) and frightening (that someone would sincerely believe it), so this thread caught my attention.

Granted, if people are going to invoke their God in a conflict I'd much rather it be in sport than something like this. (Thanks to Highlander for pointing that event out.)


Doc Nebula said…
Thanks for the plug.

The idea that a Supreme Being actually cares about ANY of the sub-microbes crawling around on the surface of some tiny atom in some insignificant molecular chain of an obscure and probably inconsequential galaxy is one that has pretty much seemed ridiculous to me, at least, since my late teens.

Now, I suppose the Supreme Being could actually be omniscient, and thus, every aspect of creation could be of enormous significance to it. But I find that hard to swallow.

Personally, I suspect that all life... and, in fact, all existence... is, actually, the Supreme Being, just, you know, fragmented and faceted to a point where none of us realize we are all part of a much greater whole.

Of course, when I contemplate that Cheney and Rove are thus as much a part of the Godhead as anyone else, I tend to doubt that one, too.

Perhaps they are outside agitators, from some other Godhead, trying to mess things up here for the rest of us.
Mike Norton said…
God as the interconnectedness of All is as close as I've come to something acceptable, too. The moment one puts God outside as a separate, Creator Being with an agenda for all of us it simply falls apart, hence my finding most religions silly affairs.

Being part of the same All as a Cheney, Rove, etc. doesn't bother me too deeply because I'm aware of the snake pit that's in part of my own head.
Anonymous said…
You know God is totally into NASCAR. His fandom is the whole reason for that unfortunate Dale Earnhardt thing.

You guys better quit all the hatin'. He don't like that.
Anonymous said…
To me, NASCAR is just a bunch of cars going 'round in a circle really fast.

You all can like it, but me ... I'm staying home. Besides, those cheatin' Scientolgists will get a buncha help from their space alien pals and use their super-powers to win all the races.

Where's the fun in that?
Mike Norton said…
The only time I've found even the slightest appeal in racing coverage is when we get a view from the perspective of the driver/car. Not enough to keep my interest.

I drove the PA Turnpike during rush hour for 12 years, have had a tire blow out while I was doing around 80 mph and had a speeding 18 wheeler run me off a back road and into a spinning stop on a gravel bed at 2am when I'd been awake for over a day, my first child had been born roughly five hours earlier, and I knew I had to be awake and in an FAA classroom five hours later. NASCAR holds no thrills for me.

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