The Ol' Switcheroo

I swapped Wednesday night for Thursday night.

The plan that was developing during the week was that I'd likely put in a long Wednesday at work, then get out at a more reasonable hour on Thursday and aim to take in Superman Returns. Late in the standard workday Wednesday, though, I realized I was simply not being productive. So, I wrapped up a few absolute essentials then headed home. A move I'll likely curse myself a few times for Thursday, but it's done, so I tried to enjoy what I could.

Tammy, in a move characteristic of her (which is to say it was a completely unecessary bit of generosity) sent a tin of homemade "Swedish Nuts" our way as a thank you for a tip on a program to clean up their recent pop-up problem. That I didn't suggest it days earlier is still a point of shame for me. No excuse, I simply stopped thinking.

So, back to the switch: Yes, that means the kids and I (and one of their friends) took in Superman Returns Wednesday night, hitting a 10:15 showing. At 2 hours 38 minutes, well, you can see the time I'm quickly knocking out this post. I have to be up before 6am, too.

Absolutely No-Spoiler Review because I know most of my regulars weren't planning on seeing this until a little later: An enjoyable film. If you enjoyed the 1978 movie, you should enjoy this, as it takes most of its best elements and does them better. No real surprises, many little hommages, and something that could be the launch of a successful franchise.

Ooookay. Now I have to get a few hours sleep before launching into a busy, full Thursday that'll not only involve me clearing through a huge amount of work, but should see the first wave of my Sinister buys as the brick I pre-paid for months ago, along with the Danger Room set, come into my hands early in the day.

In the meantime, I see that H got his taste of these items Wednesday evening, and as I mentioned to him in advance in an email, based on early brick reports (which I'll likely go into once I'm presenting my own pulls) he's probably better off handling the set on the path he's currently on.

Good -- morning..!


Mike Norton said…
Thom! Sorry to ingore you for this long. I went from busy to ill and then back to busy before the ill even faded!

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